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BlackWilliams50Plus.com/Community/ exists to provide a safe space for members of BLACK WILLIAMS, along with friends of BLACK WILLIAMS, to come together to do the following:
To create and maintain such a space, it is necessary to have rules and regulations that guide our evolution and sustain our development. As Host of COMMUNITY, it is my goal is to make this platform a fun, safe, vibrant space for individuals to come together and celebrate us!
COMMUNITY is where we can spotlight personal journeys; contributions to our families, the places we live and work; support for Williams; engagements with the larger Williams Community, as well as contributions to Black communities locally and abroad. COMMUNITY exists to celebrate our lives, our experiences lives, and our contributions – plain and simple!
At COMMUNITY, we focus on the positive by affirming the higher angels of our nature and focusing on what is good, kind, and decent in ourselves and others. That doesn’t mean we shy away from challenges that confront us, now and in the future; but COMMUNITY is where we pursue Michelle Obama’s admonition to go HIGH when the enemy goes LOW.
RESPECT, SAFETY, and LOVE are pillars of COMMUNITY. As a Member of COMMUNITY, it is my expectation that you will honor and uphold each pillar. Please be thoughtful, positive, and kind with your comments, replies, and postings. Every member of COMMUNITY is valued and worthy of respect. Negativity, cruelty, ugliness, and hatred are not welcomed. Other no-noes include hostility, aggression, intimidation, defamation, profanity, obscenity, pornography, and abuse (of any kind).
If posts are made that do not honor and uphold our pillars and our mission, membership in COMMUNITY might be withdrawn. I will make that determination on a case-by-case basis.
As host of BlackWilliams50Plus.com and BlackWilliams50Plus.com/Community/, I reserve the right to modify and change the rules of COMMUNITY to protect the brand, the COMMUNITY, and myself.
Now that you know the rules, let’s come together and build one amazingly vibrant COMMUNITY.
I will see you on the inside.
Dan Perkins ‘78